What Is Solar Water Heater

What Is Solar Water Heater
Image from Pixabay.com

Solar water heater. Yes!!! Technology is fast improving.

A solar water heater is a device that uses solar energy to heat water.

How does a solar water heater work, Does it have a disadvantage? I will touch on all these topics and more.

In this article, I will be explaining in detail everything you need to know about a solar water heater.

It’s good enough that you stumbled upon this article, but you also need to stick around to understand what this is about.

I will be explaining what a solar water heater is all about. Let’s get into it.


A solar water heater is a machine that uses sunlight to heat water.

This device makes it possible for people to have a lower water bill and use a cleaner energy source. Hence, the reason why people are warming up to it.

After the initial payments, the solar water heaters turn out to be cost-effective in under 6 years..

This means that they can save you more than the amount you bought them in that time frame.

For every m² of roof that receives sunlight in our latitudes, 100 l of heating oil or 100 m³ of natural gas (or around 1,000 kWh) may be replaced annually.

In general, this method may heat between 50 and 70 percent of the water that we use in the kitchen and bathroom.

For periods when there is not enough sunlight, a backup heating system is necessary.


The use of the sun to heat water for domestic use dates back to a lot of ancient cultures.

However, it was not until 1891 that the first solar hot water system, which had apatent,t was sold commercially.

Known as the “Climax,” Clarence Kemp created the system in Baltimore, Maryland. Thereafter, it gained popularity in California and other warm American regions.

Considering how much these solar water heaters cost and how inconvenient it was to heat water with traditional fuels, many homes were keen to get them.

The Climax method was constrained, though, in that the volume of hot water that was accessible was restricted because the heating element also served as the storage tank.

The design of today’s solar water heaters is based on a method developed by William J. Bailey in 1909 – that divided the sun heating element from the water storage tank.

How Does Solar Water Heater Work

There are two types of solar water heaters, which are;

Active Solar Water Heater

This kind of solar water heater is divided into two categories, which are:

Direct Circulation System

Water from the collectors is pumped into the house by pumps. They function well in regions that don’t often freeze.

Indirect Circulation System

Pumps move a heat-transfer fluid that doesn’t freeze through the heat exchanger and collectors.

The water that enters the house gets heated as a result. They are well-liked in regions where frigid temperatures are common.

Passive Solar Water Heater

Systems for passive solar water heating store water for chilly or overcast days, but they may lose heat during a long-lasting cold snap.

Compared to active systems, passive systems tend to be more dependable, less expensive and have a longer lifespan.

Systems for passive solar water heating come in two varieties:

Passive Integral Collector-Storage Systems

Through a glass cover of a storage tank, the sun warms the water that is transferred into a plumbing system.

When used in non-freezing settings, this device performs admirably.

Systems With Thermosyphon

When a person turns on the hot water faucet, the water that enters the plumbing system heats up using the collector on the roof.

The majority of thermosyphon systems have a 40-gallon capacity.

Benefits Of Solar Water Heaters

It Saves Money

The Department of Energy says hot water accounts for 14-18% of most utility bills.

People spend a lot of money each year just to heat water in their homes.

Although the solar water heater might be a bit expensive initially, the device is very cost-effective.

Proof of this is the research that shows that after a few years, people save money close to a thousand dollars on just this device.

Hence, from then on, we heat water for free.


Using natural and electric gas increases the carbon footprint. Electricity adds to greenhouse gas emissions due to utilizing coal and natural gas.

However, a solar water heater uses solar energy that we get from the sun which is 100% clean and unharmful to the environment.

It Adds Value To One’s Home

Research proves that having such a device that runs on a clean and renewable source of energy increases one’s home value in the market by 3-4%.

This is very useful especially if you want to sell your house as it can boost your price.

Low Maintenance

These solar water heaters barely need any kind of maintenance. All you need to do is call a professional to help change/replace the antifreeze every few years.

Aside from that, the only time you might need to maintain the solar water heater is if your home has a high level of hard water mineral deposits which can clog the system.

However, you can easily fix that problem by installing a water softener.


Upfront Costs

From purchasing the solar water heater to the installation and other small expenses involved, acquiring this beauty can be quite expensive.

It Relies Purely On Solar Energy

The sun is the most important key thing to consider when using a solar water heater as it relies solely on solar energy.

Although a backup heater can do the trick in the absence of solar energy for a while, it can’t last forever.

Also, those living in a sunny climate do not need to depend on backup heating sources hence, saving more money in the process.

Future Of Solar Water Heaters

The main reason why people love the solar water heater is its sustainability. Humans have overused the petroleum supplies we have and continue to do so.

Furthermore, if things continue in the same way, we won’t have any petroleum left in the next 40 years. This is because of our overuse and the high electricity demand.

However, we can avoid this by switching to the solar side of electricity or power. By using solar-based equipment, we can save ourselves from using up all the earth’s petroleum supplies.

Research proves that solar water heaters can drastically reduce pollution and consumption of limited supplies.

When a medium-sized car is driven 12,000 miles annually at 22 miles per gallon, the energy consumption of a family of four with a water heater powered by electricity installed in their home is nearly identical.

On the other hand, installing a solar water heater provides you with a lifelong investment and may drastically reduce use by 50–80%.

It’s a common misperception that solar water heaters are only appropriate for southern climates where sunshine produces enough energy.

That is not at all the case, though. In terms of cost and technology, solar water heaters are suitable for every location. Certain solar water heaters follow the path of the sun to capture all of the available light.

Moreover, some businesses use hybrid collectors that provide hot water and energy at the same time.

There are countless uses for solar energy. The only thing stopping us is our desire to gather the plentiful energy at our disposal.

Solar water heating has enormous promise, and as technology develops further, we should anticipate considerably more progress in this area.

Here are some important lessons to remember going forward:

Integration with Smart Home Systems

Solar water heaters will be easy to include in the increasingly popular smart home systems.

With this connectivity, users may optimize energy use and cut expenses by remotely monitoring and controlling their water heating system.

Innovation in Energy Storage

Improving the functionality and dependability of solar water heaters will require the development of effective energy storage devices.

For example, battery technology can store extra energy that we get during the day so you can use it at night to provide a steady supply of hot water.

Government Policies and Incentives

Throughout the world, governments are emphasizing the value of renewable energy sources and offering incentives to move toward environmentally friendly options.

Global adoption of solar water heaters can speed up if it has more backing and advantageous regulations.

In summary, solar water heating technologies are transforming the way we heat water.

They provide an environmentally friendly substitute for conventional water heaters because of their long-term advantages, cost savings, and energy-efficient operation.

In the quest for a more environmentally friendly future, solar water heaters are positioned to become a common option as awareness and technology develop.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I Use A Solar Water Heating System In Place Of My Existing Traditional Gas Or Electric Water System?

Most of your hot water demands may be met by a solar hot-water heating system.
But occasionally, the solar hot-water system might not be able to supply you with all the hot water you require. For example, on overcast or rainy days. 
I highly advise installing a solar hot-water system alongside your current setup or installing the system together with a solar storage tank equipped with an electric or gas backup.

2. How Much Energy Will My Solar Water Heater Save?

Your energy expenses should start to change as soon as you install a solar water heater in your house.
The efficiency of a solar water heater surpasses that of a traditional water heating device by up to 85%.
Furthermore, households that convert to solar water heaters can save up to $600 or more in the first year alone.

3. What Is A Solar Water Heater?

This gadget uses solar energy to create hot water for various household and business uses. When solar energy is present during the day, it warms the water. After that, the hot water is kept in an insulated container that you may use day or night.

4. How Long Does The Water Remain Hot?

Solostar’s hot water tank is insulated with a premium PUF. The length of time that water stays hot is more than 12 hours, depending on the season. In addition, the water will stay hot for longer if you don’t move it at all.

5. How many liters Of Hot Water Will Be Generated From the Solar Water Heating System?

The units of measurement for system capacity are liters per day (LPD). It implies that on a given day, a 100 LPD system would be able to supply 100 liters of water at 60 degrees Celsius on average.

Final Thoughts On Solar Water Heater

Investigate specialist solar businesses, home improvement stores, and internet marketplaces to locate the greatest solar water heater.

To meet your demands, these suppliers frequently provide a large assortment of reliable brands and models.

Additionally, think about getting in touch with solar energy installers; they can usually give professional guidance along with their product possibilities.

Make sure the solar water heater fits the needs of your house and the environment in the area by considering things like system size, efficiency, and warranty.

I hope this Powerversity buying guide meets your expectations. But, then, fill out the “Leave A Reply” form at the end of this article.

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Akin-Ojo Victor
Victor Akin-Ojo is the founder and the Lead Editor of PowerVersity.com. Before starting PowerVersity.com, Victor worked in the IT industry for nearly 15 years as Field Support Engineer for VSAT, Networking, and Wimax Technologies. He also work in the power sector for close to 10 years. He currently run a blog - powerversity.com, where he share his knowledge on Alternative Energy Solutions.